We are Here
Muttart Conservatory, Edmonton Alberta
The granite pyramid at the entrance to the Muttart Conservatory, in Edmonton, is called We Are Here. The pyramid’s four triangular-shaped faces of black granite feature two partial maps of Edmonton at different scales, a leaf skeleton, and a fern leaf, all carved into the stone.
This project was an extension of collaborative work Mia Weinberg had done previously with artist Kate Collie in Vancouver, juxtaposing natural and man-made networks: foliage and street maps.
The pyramid was unveiled in June 2009. For both Ves and Mia, this project has had a great impact. The fact that this project is in Edmonton is particularly significant to Ves because, in 1995 when he brought his young family to Canada to escape the troubles in Bosnia, it was in Edmonton that they first arrived. The inspiration Mia experienced working on this project led her to a new focus on public art projects.